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I'm going to introduce you to Three really good professional Chiropractors who share their methods with you for Unblocking Your Nose and Draining Your Sinuses. Does that sound good to you? Here are Dr Eric Berg..... Dr Allan Mandell..... Dr Michael Hume with a few Instruction Videos where they explain things Simply for you, why you have a Stuffy Nose and/or Sinus Infection and how you can remedy them inexpensively. Dr Eric Berg is also an excellent well known Natural Health Advocate on YouTube who specialises in Nutrition and can help you to understand things with his wonderful ability to explain things in a Unique Way. So lets go! Hey?

How to Instantly Relieve Sinus Congestion in the Nose Dr Michael Hume

Drain Sinus & Clear Stuffy Nose in 1 Move | Created by Dr. Mandell

Clear Stuffy Nose & Drain Sinus in 2 Moves | Dr.

I don't have much faith in GPs and the Medical System, as I have made clear on this Website. They often give dangerous advice and write Scripts for Toxic and Addictive Meds. But I have added this Article because it speaks about the Benefits of Exercise in relation to Mental Health. I do think this Principle in Practice could be really good for some Readers of my Blog and I wish you all well.

During the pandemic, Nikola Sowry made a decision that helped her become happier and healthier.

After feeling challenged and disconnected during recurring lockdowns, the 29-year-old decided to try out a community football team in Melbourne's inner suburbs. 

"Finding footy and this club genuinely changed my life," she said.

Before football, Nikola struggled to find exercise that suited her.

While she never had a diagnosed mental health condition, she credits the South Melbourne Districts team with transforming her physical and mental health.…

Recently in the last 2 Months, there has been a surge of Articles on Google News on my Mobile concerning ULTRA-PROSESSED FOODS, the way they're Made and the Damage they make to OUR HEALTH. It's Outrageous, the way they get away with that. So much for "Crime Stoppers" you could say.

So I've decided to write about this, having been very Aware and Concerned how many People fill their shopping carts with so much of that Stuff to Feed their Families with. As a Researcher, knowing the full implications of ingesting these Fake and Synthetic Foods on a Regular Basis is detrimental at some time along the way - our Body protests about the way we are treating it - it sometimes does this through disturbing or distressing symptoms and Many People get VERY ILL.

All this is Imposed on the Innocent Public in the form of Tasty, Addictive, Convenient Products.…

Learn how to cultivate happiness through mindful choices and healthy habits.

Robert Puff Ph.D. - Psychology Today

Have you ever looked at someone who seems to radiate joy and wondered, "Are they just lucky?" It's easy to assume that people who seem to have had easier lives—stable families, good education, successful careers—are simply fortunate when it comes to happiness. Conversely, we might believe those who have faced significant challenges are destined to struggle to find joy.

But is happiness just a matter of luck? After a lifetime of exploring this question, I've come to a different conclusion.

Learning from Life's Challenges

Throughout my life, I've sought out individuals who seem genuinely happy, regardless of their external circumstances. These aren't necessarily the wealthiest, most attractive, or most accomplished individuals. They are simply people who seem to be thriving, despite whatever life throws their way. And when I ask them about the turning point in their lives, the moment that led to their current state of well-being, the answer is always the same: challenges.…

Learning the Beauty of Small Talk
It can be Beneficial

Whether it's at a party, a friend's wedding, or the workplace, some people just dread small talk. And while these events are great places to meet new people, it can bring more anxiety than excitement for some. They might worry that it will be boring, awkward, or that they'll run out of things to say. Then there are people who believe small talk represents meaningless and trivial conversation. But it doesn't have to be that way! In reality, increased well-being and positivity are some of the benefits of small talk.

Be interested in things

People with hobbies and interests always seem to have a topic or an opinion to share. Get inspired by them, and you'll have a launching point to get someone else involved in conversation.

Get your mind right

If you spend the week before the event anticipating and worrying because you know you'll feel uncomfortable, you're setting yourself up for failure.…

Yelling is Out for Kids and Parents
It's Not Good for Either of You
Let's Find Better Ways!

Children of all ages, but especially very young ones, often have a hard time with the concept of time. Be sure to utilize visual reminders or timers. Also, if you say you'll be there in a minute, stay with that.

Your child doesn't want to do the task

If your child is seemingly not listening, it may be that they actually just don't want to do the task you're requesting. Prompt them to share why this task feels daunting or share ways the task could be completed.

Reasons your kids aren’t listening (and what to do instead)

Are you having a challenging time getting your child to listen to you? If so, you're not alone. Parents everywhere often struggle with disobedient children who won't or choose not to listen to them. In this gallery, you'll find 13 common reasons your kids might not be listening to you, followed by what to do instead and ideas for encouraging them to listen. If you're…

Many of us have had experiences with one of these people in recent years. There seems to be a lot more of them, so we should all be prepared how to recognise and handle them. Are to ready? Some of you who have had experiences will Sigh Relief and others will Laugh because some of these are Funny and they can be Effective. Shall we read what Lachlan Brown has to say? He is a good Writer with lots of Solutions on different Topics.

Navigating the world of manipulation is a tricky business. We’ve all come across those who seek to control us through their cunning words and hidden intentions.

But don’t fret, because we hold the power to put them in their place.

In my experience, having the right phrases at your disposal can help you stand your ground against a manipulator. These aren’t just words; they’re mini shields of self-protection.…

Over the last 2 Years, I have been finding Articles on Benefits of 20 Minute Walks, 10 Minute Walks and 15 Minute Walks as well as 30, 45 and 60 Minute Walks. Now I've found a Flexible Articles that addresses Benefits for different lengths of time - for 10-15 Minutes, for 30 Minutes, for 45-60 Minutes and Over 60. And here is that Article, to see what may suit you:

Short Walks Or Long Walks? Best Walking Duration For Maximum Benefits

There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to walking. Whether you’re opting for short walks to clear your mind or committing to long walks for weight loss and mental well-being. So, whether you choose to walk for 10 minutes or 90 minutes, the most important thing is that you’re moving. Walking, in any form, can be a valuable part of a healthy lifestyle.

One of the easiest exercises to do is walking.…

5 Reasons To Rub Magnesium Oil On Your Feet

Using magnesium oil on your feet can help your body with a lot of things. Applying it transdermally through a foot massage helps get the necessary dosage effortlessly, supporting overall well-being.

A nightly ritual involving rubbing magnesium oil on your feet is gaining attention due to its potential health benefits. This article explores the significance of magnesium and the benefits it offers. Magnesium is essential for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, yet research indicates that up to 75 percent of people might not be getting enough.

The recommended daily intake of magnesium is between
310 to 320 milligrams for women and 400 to 420 for men.

Many have found transdermal application, which involves applying magnesium directly to the skin, to be an effective method. One such practice involves spraying magnesium oil, a sea salt spray, on the feet and rubbing it in.…

The World's System Profits when People are Unwell and Medical often makes us Sick. Most times, Natural Health Practitioners are genuinely Sincere and Help you to Build Up your Health. However Health Manufacturers are often into charging horrendous amounts for their Products, creating confusion in the minds of many.

There are Ways of working around that to gain Better Health when you know what to look for. And how to Identify and Dismiss false and Misleading Advice and Guidelines Governments Accept and Promote through Education Systems due to Greedy Cheapskate Manufacturers Lobbying to change Food Laws to Support their Arguments decades ago now when most people weren't aware that those Changes took place and the Real Reason they did.

This In fact has been the Underlying reason why So Many People's Health has been badly affected, and the Over Processed "Foods" in recent years have drastically affected the Health of Many including Children.…