By Janet Vargas - Owner of this Website
Hi Folks, I am going to Give You a Voice here because this Statement is a Reflection of the Thoughts and disposition of Most of Us. So I will Say it All for You - and you are Welcome to Comment - There are Various Matters addressed in this Article.
So Here goes!
First things First: We have not seen a Government yet who Keeps their Election Promises - Labour, Liberal or Coalition Government............Our Government are Promise Breakers for decades now!
WE WANT CHANGE in this Important Area!!!
You're always making Hasty and Deliberate Promises - to Win your Campaigns - You're into Mud-Slinging Matches, one against the other, preceding Voting Days. You devote more energy and efforts in Opposing the Other Party than you do in Putting Your Best into that which you can Genuinely Offer AND Implement. And between Elections, you often "fight like cats and dogs" over things - even in Parliament Sessions - instead of "Working Together" for Our Benefit.…