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Many Unsuspecting Church People are Bewitched by False Teachers and Preachers.

That Breed are FIERCE on the Inside and Not HUMAN.
And you are Playing into Their Hand.

Any Self Respecting, Decent Living Person can Show you in their Character, the difference between a Godly Person and a Merciless Opportunist. They can Teach you the Principles of FAMILY FIRST and COMMONSENSE. They can Teach you the difference between Helping the Poor OR your Pain for Preacher's GAIN. There is plenty of that with Politicians in the World. So they're used to such Scavengers dressed up in Fancy Suits - they don't wish to take on more!

It actually grieves Jesus that you behave in such a way believing Everything they say.…

The Very First Thing I Will Tell You Is I’m Not PAID To Give MISLEADING Advice.

Assuredly, this is a Money Driven Generation this. And I am so Tired of Seeing People MADE SICK by Food Industry Culprits; Big Pharma and Medical System; Faulty Health Education because Manufacturers Lobbied for that Years Ago for Selfish GAIN and We have been suffering the Consequences of Their Actions
to This Day.

It’s WRONG, So Wrong, because even Governments don’t do a thing to
STOP the Madness of it All.

And WHY is That Dear Folks? Because they get such HUGE Revenue from Each One of those COMPANIES and INSTITUTIONS WHO ARE So Driven by GREED – it seems there is No Limit to Their Covetous Crimes.

So I will tell you TRUE FACTS on ALL the SUGARS and SWEETENERS "No Strings Attached” because like some of You who are reading this Article, I hate LIES, HYPOCRISY and GREED.…

Recently in the last 2 Months, there has been a surge of Articles on Google News on my Mobile concerning ULTRA-PROSESSED FOODS, the way they're Made and the Damage they make to OUR HEALTH. It's Outrageous, the way they get away with that. So much for "Crime Stoppers" you could say.

So I've decided to write about this, having been very Aware and Concerned how many People fill their shopping carts with so much of that Stuff to Feed their Families with. As a Researcher, knowing the full implications of ingesting these Fake and Synthetic Foods on a Regular Basis is detrimental at some time along the way - our Body protests about the way we are treating it - it sometimes does this through disturbing or distressing symptoms and Many People get VERY ILL.

All this is Imposed on the Innocent Public in the form of Tasty, Addictive, Convenient Products.…

Many of us have had experiences with one of these people in recent years. There seems to be a lot more of them, so we should all be prepared how to recognise and handle them. Are to ready? Some of you who have had experiences will Sigh Relief and others will Laugh because some of these are Funny and they can be Effective. Shall we read what Lachlan Brown has to say? He is a good Writer with lots of Solutions on different Topics.

Navigating the world of manipulation is a tricky business. We’ve all come across those who seek to control us through their cunning words and hidden intentions.

But don’t fret, because we hold the power to put them in their place.

In my experience, having the right phrases at your disposal can help you stand your ground against a manipulator. These aren’t just words; they’re mini shields of self-protection.…

As a Christian, I apologise for all the Hypocrisy and shameless Monetization the Gospel has been subjected to. Televangelists are a SHAM. Not the Real Thing.
This is not what Jesus Came for! Reminds me of how Shameless Big Pharma started off with all their Charlatans and the Sickness Industry they are Today. I pray that People will get to experience the True Essence of who Jesus Really is. Not all that Fame and Falsity those Showmanists project - So Bad.

Jesus has never taken advantage of me. Nowhere in the Bible does it tell you to
Pay for your Blessings. That's like a Lucky Dip with a Booby Prize. They Badger you with Enticements, presenting God like some Slot-Machine… radically different to how I found Jesus - that was not dependent on the Church Scene. Skip all that Modern Churchianity Friends.…

Someone said: This is the American Dream mixed with (Crafty) Religion.
EXACTLY, I cannot Agree More!

This is AGAINST the Teachings of Christianity - Know the Difference. Fortunately, I've Never had Anything to do with these Jerks or anyone like them. Many Christians can relate with that.

I would like to know 2 things: How can the American Government allow those
Mega-Churches to stay Tax-Exempt? There's absolutely NO LIMIT to those "Preachers" Greed: Devils Religion! AND How can their Law System permit someone like Kenneth Copeland who is Extremely Unstable to Keep a Driver's Licence much less a Pilot's Licence? That's Reprehensible!!! You can be Sure of this Friends, that is Not TRUE Christianity!!!

In recent years, I have often made this statement: It's astonishing, the amount of Evils that Come from America. How can Anyone call it a Christian Country? In fact, on top of all the Worldly Evils that Come from the USA, their Greedy Monger Preacher's Exploitations are even More Staggering.…

The World's System Profits when People are Unwell and Medical often makes us Sick. Most times, Natural Health Practitioners are genuinely Sincere and Help you to Build Up your Health. However Health Manufacturers are often into charging horrendous amounts for their Products, creating confusion in the minds of many.

There are Ways of working around that to gain Better Health when you know what to look for. And how to Identify and Dismiss false and Misleading Advice and Guidelines Governments Accept and Promote through Education Systems due to Greedy Cheapskate Manufacturers Lobbying to change Food Laws to Support their Arguments decades ago now when most people weren't aware that those Changes took place and the Real Reason they did.

This In fact has been the Underlying reason why So Many People's Health has been badly affected, and the Over Processed "Foods" in recent years have drastically affected the Health of Many including Children.…

This Article is included on my Blog in the Interest of those who Love Honey - REAL HONEY, that's RAW HONEY, Not Cheat's Honey we find in the Stores 90% of the time. So this Article is here for both Raw Honey Advocates and the Beginner: People who didn't know there is a REAL DIFFERENCE between Honey (just any honey) that's had most of the Goodness Stripped from it and Raw Honey that is endowed with LOTS of BENEFITS. I have Researched the Benefits of Natural Honey several times through the years, and the Article I am placing here, I discovered today, with their Link to credit them (I'm not into plagiarism) is one of the absolute best I have found, for your Knowledge of this Very Important Topic. Congratulations to the Honey Boutique for such a wonderful piece of work. Do Read and Enjoy!

Probiotics and Honey


We have 39–300 trillion bacteria living inside ourselves right now!…


I will say this straight off the bat for You: Manufacturer Culprits Lobbied Years ago to have the Medical and Government Education on Nutrition Changed for the sake of their GREED - Mega Profits and Pure Greed!

As most of us know, "Money Rules in this World" let this not reach YOUR HOME.

Vegetable Oils AND Canola Oil are extremely Unhealthy for us.
They both go through a Very Toxic kind of Manufacture.
These Manufacturers are Criminals!!!

And by the way: Sunflower is NOT Vegetables! Neither is Safflower, Soy Oil; Corn Oil; Rice Bran OR Grape Seeds. They call them that to make them sound "Healthy".......... it's a Psychological Marketing PLOY that carries No Truth. None whatsoever!!!

Some of you would like to know that 2-3 Years ago, I found an Article from a truly Wise Dietitian who made a Statement about her Profession openly for the Public to read.…

By Janet Vargas - Independent Natural Health Researcher 30+ Years

MORE to Watch Out for Folks! Some of these Polymers have been around for years. They have been used in Skin Care and Cosmetics and NOW there are New Derivatives of those Chemicals entering the Market.

The concern about these Chemicals is, they are very TOXIC and have been found to Cause Cancer.

As surely as we have learned about Manufacturer’s serious Lack of Ethics, instead of the Industry cutting out the use of these Chemicals, they USE Them all the More. And as we are so accustomed to, our Governments are more concerned with Raising High Revenue from the Massive Profits/Taxes of this highly Lucrative Industry than they are about our Health and Welfare.

There’s so much we hear about “in the name of Truth” these days, and there is what Natural Health Researchers who really Care about your Health call an
“Information War” going on.…