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This Article is included on my Blog in the Interest of those who Love Honey - REAL HONEY, that's RAW HONEY, Not Cheat's Honey we find in the Stores 90% of the time. So this Article is here for both Raw Honey Advocates and the Beginner: People who didn't know there is a REAL DIFFERENCE between Honey (just any honey) that's had most of the Goodness Stripped from it and Raw Honey that is endowed with LOTS of BENEFITS. I have Researched the Benefits of Natural Honey several times through the years, and the Article I am placing here, I discovered today, with their Link to credit them (I'm not into plagiarism) is one of the absolute best I have found, for your Knowledge of this Very Important Topic. Congratulations to the Honey Boutique for such a wonderful piece of work. Do Read and Enjoy!

Probiotics and Honey


We have 39–300 trillion bacteria living inside ourselves right now!…


I will say this straight off the bat for You: Manufacturer Culprits Lobbied Years ago to have the Medical and Government Education on Nutrition Changed for the sake of their GREED - Mega Profits and Pure Greed!

As most of us know, "Money Rules in this World" let this not reach YOUR HOME.

Vegetable Oils AND Canola Oil are extremely Unhealthy for us.
They both go through a Very Toxic kind of Manufacture.
These Manufacturers are Criminals!!!

And by the way: Sunflower is NOT Vegetables! Neither is Safflower, Soy Oil; Corn Oil; Rice Bran OR Grape Seeds. They call them that to make them sound "Healthy".......... it's a Psychological Marketing PLOY that carries No Truth. None whatsoever!!!

Some of you would like to know that 2-3 Years ago, I found an Article from a truly Wise Dietitian who made a Statement about her Profession openly for the Public to read.…

By Janet Vargas - Independent Natural Health Researcher 30+ Years

MORE to Watch Out for Folks! Some of these Polymers have been around for years. They have been used in Skin Care and Cosmetics and NOW there are New Derivatives of those Chemicals entering the Market.

The concern about these Chemicals is, they are very TOXIC and have been found to Cause Cancer.

As surely as we have learned about Manufacturer’s serious Lack of Ethics, instead of the Industry cutting out the use of these Chemicals, they USE Them all the More. And as we are so accustomed to, our Governments are more concerned with Raising High Revenue from the Massive Profits/Taxes of this highly Lucrative Industry than they are about our Health and Welfare.

There’s so much we hear about “in the name of Truth” these days, and there is what Natural Health Researchers who really Care about your Health call an
“Information War” going on.…


By Janet Vargas - Owner Of This Website

Both Governments - USA and Australia are Not Dealing with Real Issues Affecting People in Both Countries. I will be addressing some things that have come here from the USA which need attention to make some real Progress in several areas when it comes to different aspects of our welfare here in Australia.

I do not wish to offend the good American Folk who often visit this Website.
Things are very stressful for you over there.

Many Americans and Australians are not happy with Decisions made by our Governments and have Big Issues of things affecting our People IGNORED. There are Governments in certain Countries who are a 
Lot More Responsible and Dedicated to Their People while ours remain Uncommitted on Things that Really Concern Us and they are Preoccupied with Less Important Things often.

In this Article, I am going to address certain things that come from America that may be uncomfortable for some.…


Curated by Janet Vargas - Independent Natural Health Researcher 30+ Yrs

The company with NO CONSCIENCE. A lot of Companies have No Conscience in Recent Times but BAYER (MONSANTO) Top the Lot of Them. Many Times they have been found to be NOTORIOUS CRIMINALS and also Big Bullies that are So Lucrative they have won Court Cases by sheer force - not to mention False Claims. Monsanto have a Nasty Recent History of Running Farmers off their Land, who of Necessity, wished to Discontinue the use of Monsanto's GMO Crops with Heaps of RoundUp (because they are deliberately Resistant to it). They have won some cases based on FALSIFIED CLAIMS and BIG MONEY. NOT THIS TIME!

The Insatiable GREED Of Bayer-Monsanto - The Greatest Deception Of All Time - You Need To Think Again Folks

Bayer (Previously Monsanto) Ordered To Pay $2.25 Billion After Jury Links Herbicide Roundup To Cancer

By Frances Vinall- Washington Post 29th Jan 2024

A jury handed down a $2.25 billion verdict, including $2 Billion in punitive damages, against Agrochemical Giant MONSANTO, according to the lawyers of a man who said he developed Cancer from using the company’s Weed Killer, ROUNDUP.…


By Janet Vargas - Independent Natural Health Researcher

Are we Really that Gullible or just plain Brain Washed to Believe All the Claims that are being made?

Vitamin Tablets vs Gummies: Should You Ditch Time-Tested Capsules For Candies?

Yes they look just like candies and come in a variety of flavours. And most importantly, they claim to be the answer for your skin, hair, and even sleep woes. In short, Gummy Vitamins and supplements look tempting and you can avoid taking tablets or capsules. HERE

Be Not Quick To Buy - Recognise Charlatans!

Hey, wait a minute…."they look tempting"….does that mean we can snack on them, whatever? Or have we become so weak-willed that "everything" has to give us "Enjoyment" even Supplements? Let's do the Math and come to our senses hey? Rather than having to be "turned-on" about everything. And if these so-called Supplements do give us a buzz, maybe they are just like the Fake Foods in Supermarkets that Excite the Tastebuds and are Bad for our Health!

By Janet Vargas - Independent Natural Health Researcher 30+ Yrs

Do you believe Everything you Hear and Read? As a Researcher, I don't - there is so much Ignorance and Flawed Medical Science out there. Deliberate attempts of the Food Industry to give Misleading Guidelines and Advice to the Public. Even to Practitioners. They do this for Their Advantage - Not Your Health!

We have Dedicated Whistle Blowers to Thank for Some Knowledge which has gone Public for sometime now. Highly skilled Workers from their Science Lab Departments etc. They left those Companies out of Conscience because much of what they had to do for those Giant Food Companies really Offended them. That is, Harming People's Health to Earn a Living. They just could not do it anymore! Can you blame them?

The Misleading Advice Friends, is a Classic for INVESTED INTERESTS if ever there was one! So Truth of the matter is, Who are You Trusting In for Nutritional Advice?…

By Janet Vargas - Natural Health Researcher 30+ Yrs.

I'm Calling Them Out. To me, it's a Form of Witchcraft, what they do to our Food.
It really is! What do you call it when they make the Majority of Food Products damaging to Our Health with All-Manner-Of Hazardous TOXIC Chemicals day after day, year after year and they have absolutely NO Shame? It just goes from Bad to Worse incessantly to the extent that there's very few Groceries we can buy that aren't laden with Chemicals of some kind, to the point one feels Overwhelmed
by the whole thing, and many are pressured into Indifference when confronted
with a Question "What the heck do we buy now?"


To me, the People who Run those Companies are "Not Human" it's like their Conscience has been "Seared with a Hot Iron" because it's really Inhuman what they Do to Us - on a Major Scale.…

Now everything's Soy. Soy in loaves of Bread and Bakery items, Soy in Snitzels and Burgers, Ice-Cream and Chocolates, Protein Powders and Diet Shakes, lots of Processed Foods in packets and cans. We can't seem to keep away from this stuff! And that's because we are not Standing Up To Them! It has been touted as a Health Food decades ago, much of the so-called research on it's merits have been prejudice and flawed, by that Industry, and there are even Scientists and Nutritionists who have sold their Name and Reputation on the likes of these beans because they succumb to the Bribes of Big Pay Manufacturers who insist on using it. Please read the True Facts from TRUE Researchers and Professionals, what they have established.

Soybesity: Soy and Weight Gain

By Dr Kaayla Daniel from Weston Price Foundation 2014

As Americans get fatter and fatter, that’s an important question.…