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Indictment To Our Government

(Labour and Liberal)
This is a Country that manages to
blend different Cultures easily and Successfully. Many People have made a Good
Life here. They have also brought some Interesting Cuisine here that is Very
Tasty! But it really Concerns me that our Government always brings Far Too Many
People here, because they do not Take Care of Our Own
 Properly First: there are Lots of our own Precious People
out on the Streets (including Families) there is a SERIOUS Shortage of Work and Houses (Buy
or Rental) available - yet Our Government Keeps Bringing MORE People IN by the
Thousands, they often give Our Work and Our Houses
to. This is INSANE. Plus, they don't do Thorough Research what
Countries they are Bringing People In from. They have brought in Some People from
Countries that clash with our Peaceful Ways. They do not Introduce and Climatise
People to Our Culture when they come here. We are a PEACEFUL COUNTRY here and
Some People who are Unwisely Brought here against our
wishes, Do Not Respect Our Peaceful Ways. I had a
really good conversation with a European-Indigenous lady recently who said her
people "feel Invaded with the Huge Number of People Coming here" and
I quickly responded, saying "We Do Too!" it's
really getting out of hand for Years now! She also said something else I agree
100% with "If People who come here Do Not Respect Us, they
should be Sent Back to Their Countries" (she means All of Us, not just
Indigenous) OUR WAYS are PEACEFUL in This Country and Should Be Respected or
"Out They Go" and OUR PEOPLE should be given WORK and HOUSES to Live
In before Anymore People Come In. CARELESS GOVERNMENT Not Practicing This
Principle: Care for Your OWN People FIRST - We DO Feel Invaded. This is Definitely
So WAKE UP Government and put First Things FIRST
before This Ship Sinks. Things have been this way for Years and you have
done Absolutely Nothing about it. We would Vote
you All Out
 of Government if we could - It's Outrageous, the
Ignorance in this Government, Labour and Liberal.