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The Evils of Psychiatry and Their Legal Drug Pushing – Avoid Them if You Can!

Psychology is often a Saving Friend to those who have been Greatly Helped
Psychiatry is a Perilous Foe to those who have been Greatly Hindered.
For a Lot of People, Psychology brings Healing with Practical Intervention
For a Lot of People, Psychiatry brings Damage with Psycho-Drugs.
Pretty Much 99% of the time, Psychiatrists Insist on the Use of them if you need them or not.

They will “Sign You Up” on 1 or 2 Prescriptions which are extremely difficult
to get off of, hence they have a “Permanent Customer” (Pun Intended)

In fact, a Whistle Blower who used to work in that profession but left it because it greatly Offended his Conscience said:
In recent years that Profession will make a List of similar “Symptoms” Label and Market them as a “Mental Disorder” and Prescribe their Toxic Wares (Psycho Drugs) for what you’ve just been told you have.

In this way, they make More Sales for Big Pharma for which they are handsomely rewarded through Big Pharma’s incessant Incentive Scheme. They go for Luxury Holidays, all Expenses Paid Etc – kind of like Your Pain is Their Gain.

Local Medical Practitioners (MDs/GPs) take part in that too. As a matter of fact, an awful Lot of MD/GPs mostly “Scavenge for Points” towards those Luxury Cruise Trips, whatever, each time you see them – how many times have you heard those Familiar Questions straight off the Bat:
“What Medications did you come for today?”
“Are you out of Any Medications?”
“Would you like Something for That?”
Or they will say:
“I will give you This for That

I mean to say, it’s just So Obvious, isn’t it? I even had a MD/GP rush me out of his Office quite angry once when I wouldn’t take his Statins! I quietly said I could address that with Diet and Exercise.
“NO You Cannot!” he blatantly replied.

But some honest GPs prefer to “Try that first” Besides, Statins are a big Con Job created by Big Pharma –their “Biggest Cash Cow” every Researcher knows that.

That’s why every so often they “Lower the Bar” on what Count Your Cholesterol “should be” so they can Cream their Next Lot of Profits for the same Med – STATINS of-course! Doesn’t matter if they have been found to strip the Protective Lining in your Heart (the Cholesterol of-course) yes it actually plays a Protective Role when it’s not stripped away!

Check that out if you like and remember Only Natural Health Advocates will tell you that – the Medical Industry (pun intended) definitely will Not. It’s their “Bread and Butter” (living) and their Porshe and Yachts Etc.

Come against “2-3 Minute Pen-Pushing Money Mongers” if you can and start Educating yourself in Natural Health. You will spare yourself so many “Tricks of the Trade” that may make your Health far Worse.

Natural Health Professionals will Serve you Well and personally Teach You how to Care for your Health individually for you specifically instead of placing it in Jeopardy with Risky Chemical Drugs.
(fix it with a hammer OR one size fits all)

Sometimes they even give you Meds that Clash. Seems to be all MD/GPs are interested in 90% of the time. People often tell me that – they’re Waking Up – they recite to me “What Scripts do you want? Next Please!”

Lesson in this: Do not let someone who sees you for little more than a Few Minutes usually make Major Decisions for You with Life Altering DRUGS and RISKY Treatments.

True, a Natural Health Professional appointment may cost more but they spend more time with you and take a personal interest in YOU.

You can rightly call the Psychiatric Profession an Industry of Schemers. Sorry to say that 50% of what they do is pretty Damaging to People’s Mental Health. Occasionally for some People a “Welcome Relief” but those Meds come with a List of Side Effects (some of them Nasty) and certain Consequences if we go off them suddenly (without supervision) because our Brain Chemistry has been drastically Altered.


The repercussions are not pleasant to say the least! (I experienced them decades ago and many People on Quora make Reports of Their Experience with Psychiatric Drugs!) There’s some startling Revelations there. So just like you’ve heard the term “Buyer Beware” you need to keep that in mind when you consider making an appointment with someone in that profession.

From experience, one such appointment led me through a Rollercoaster of damages to my Health and Peace in my Home and my Family got to Live with those damages for a Long duration of Time – they lost the Mother and Daughter I was to something else (I was radically different and Very Disturbed)

I was thrown into a State of Shock by a typically Freudian Interpretation I rejected because I knew “Clear as Daylight” it wasn’t True and the “professional guy” Pushed that Interpretation on me and wouldn’t Back Off!

Next thing I knew: the following day when I went out Shopping, I was hit with Phobias about anything and everything and for many Months to follow, I was subjected to Very Persistent and Disturbing Relentless Thoughts. They would not leave me alone!

I only attended the appointment to ask how-come I had been experiencing Stress (general stress) for several weeks for some reason actually – a twist of fate – because I did not want my Child to see me Stressed.

Instead of a Simple Explanation, I ended up like a Complete Nut-Case in the throws of an Acute Anxiety Disorder referred to as OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and my dear Child got to witness that on a daily basis instead of Simple Stress that could have subsided on it’s own accord in a few more weeks.

All I can say to you is if you would not place yourself in a Lion’s Den, don’t succumb to a Therapy Session with a Psychiatrist! I did not go there for “Therapy” I went to find out an Answer to a Simple Question – nothing more!

I remember my Concerned and Caring Mum commenting sometime later to me “Janet, It’s pretty strange for you to be experiencing Phobias because you have never feared anything Your Entire Life!”

Also, around that time, when I realised for some reason, I had completely “flipped my lid” as the Saying goes, I went to a Public Library to see what had happened to me, because I most certainly did not want to attend another appointment – could you blame me?

In the Library, I came across 2 Books, that were Very Helpful. One was called Intensive Psychotherapy by Dr Richard Chesick, a Professor of Psychiatry, and the other was called Person to Person by Dr Carl Rogers who Introduced a Completely New Model of Psychiatry that was based on simply providing a Calm Atmosphere of Positive Regard for the person in need of Help. A much Nicer Environment than that Freudian Psychiatrist had subjected me to.  Carl Rogers said “it’s actually not good to delve Into a person’s past etc” (it rakes up a lot of stuff a person can be left floundering in) and Richard Chesick made a firm Statement to Psychiatrists to “Never Force an Interpretation on someone. It can make them Very ILL”

Hence, my Mission Accomplished. I found out that Culprit had made me ILL. The rest was having to manage in the Throws of it. That wasn’t Easy at all – it was a matter of Surviving every day against unreasonable phobias that were Nonsensical, and relentless Disturbing Thoughts that troubled me all day every day because I take after my Mum with Unusual Side Effects to Medical Tablets and am strictly a Low Doser!

A different professional person informed me that “the More Intelligent you are, the Worse Affected you become with OCD”………..that was good to know, but again Not Helpful.

At a later date, I commenced some Natural Health Research and pursued it further out of Avid Interest. All the Interesting Information I was reading, I found enthralling, and I was So Interested in the Research I became Very Passionate about it and Good News for me, the Phobias and Disturbing Thoughts started Improving about 80% and I could Live a Normal Life once more. They were somehow displaced as I was Engaged in my New Passionate Interest. Thank God. And through the Years, I have been able to Help a lot of People through my Research Work. In fact, I run 3 Natural Health Websites Since 2010 and Write a number of Articles on this Blog.

CHECK OUT This YouTube Video!
Psychologist Toby Watson—Psychiatry is Misleading the Public About Mental Disorders
Dr. Toby Watson, a clinical psychologist is the former Chief Psychologist for the State of Wisconsin Department of Corrections, and the past International Executive Director of the International Society of Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry (ISEPP). He is an outspoken critic of psychiatric industry's claim that mental disorders are biological or medical conditions despite the fact there are no scientific or medical tests to back up this claim. He has submitted written testimony and research to the FDA on the dangers of SSRI antidepressants and Electroshock Therapy; he has testified before the Congress of Mexico against psychotropic drugging of children and for 15 years has educated the courts and people about the harmful outcomes of Psychiatric Treatment, including how psychotropic drugs can cause violent and suicidal behavior.

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No To Psychiatry - Better Help! HERE

More Vital Information will be added to this Article this Week - Keep Informed -

Unless in some Instances, you absolutely Need them!

When The Medical Practitioner Becomes Your Traitor – A Risky Profession!

The Perils of Antidepressant Meds You Should Know – Don’t Be So Trusting of SSRIs

Ways to Avoid the Medical Mafia – An Absolute Must These Days!

Coming Soon!

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