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Hi Folks, you need to know the dangers in Christian Cults for Families and protecting Our Prayer-Life with Jesus. So I have decided to share a letter I sent to one of my Brothers in a Christian Cult referred to as The Message – they follow a False Prophet Branham who was a wilful heretic dividing the Body of Christ and they place equal value on his aberrant words to the Bible that has stood the Test of Time. He lured my Sister into that. My Aunty was a devout follower of Catholic religion who liked to pray to Mary and “The Saints” a lot. It was nothing but a hindrance to me when I tried it as a girl at School approaching my teens.
It really Put me right off of God!

So I think maybe this Article can help many. The letter I sent was a few years after a 10 day Stay I had with my Sister Interstate who was a Carer for our Elderly Mother.…

"KETO KETO KETO KETO, KETO KETO KETO KETO............" That's ALL you Hear and See on the Internet! And Stacks of Recipe Websites and Lots of Books on Bookshelves. It's like a 2nd Round of the Atkins Diet. And is it Good? Is it Really Good? How Good Is it? Honestly, as a Researcher, I'm bombarded with it - do you know what I mean? Does that sound familiar? NO it's Not really Good! Excess Fat Diets like Atkins; Excess Protein Diets like Carnivore: Excess Fat and Protein Diet - the Keto Diet; Excess Plant Diet like Vegan and Raw Food Diet and Fruitarian with Lack of Protein, a High Carb/High Fibre Diet............ARE NOT GOOD. "Why?" Because each one of those is out of Balance. They Create Deficiencies in a LOT of People, and Serious Health Issues often.

The 11 Biggest Keto Diet Dangers You Need to Know About
This high-fat, low-carb approach has become one of the most popular
ways to lose weight, but you should be aware of these risks before you try it.…

The Very First Thing I Will Tell You Is I’m Not PAID To Give MISLEADING Advice.

Assuredly, this is a Money Driven Generation this. And I am so Tired of Seeing People MADE SICK by Food Industry Culprits; Big Pharma and Medical System; Faulty Health Education because Manufacturers Lobbied for that Years Ago for Selfish GAIN and We have been suffering the Consequences of Their Actions
to This Day.

It’s WRONG, So Wrong, because even Governments don’t do a thing to
STOP the Madness of it All.

And WHY is That Dear Folks? Because they get such HUGE Revenue from Each One of those COMPANIES and INSTITUTIONS WHO ARE So Driven by GREED – it seems there is No Limit to Their Covetous Crimes.

So I will tell you TRUE FACTS on ALL the SUGARS and SWEETENERS "No Strings Attached” because like some of You who are reading this Article, I hate LIES, HYPOCRISY and GREED.…

Politics is not my thing really, happy to say it's not what I'm called to. I am not a Party Voter for starters – never have been. I have certain Insights and I Care for Our People, it behoves me to Say Something.

The only one that can Undo some of the damage that is done and Move Us Forward at this time when People are Exhausted.…

They’re trained to use Legal Medical DRUGS even though Many Cause Medical Induced Disorders – not just Side Effects –  and some are Lethal (they Can cause deaths, yet Big Pharma keep making them and Medicos keep prescribing them) so be Very Careful what’s in that little Box you get from your Local Chemist, America refers to more appropriately as DRUG STORES and Australia should do likewise, to remind us of the Seriousness of taking Big Pharma’s nasty little Man-Made Creations

Yes, Be Not So Quick To Trust – many a Person who Lost their Lives are not here to tell you that, but devastated Loved Ones are. Maybe we should hear more from them over the Media instead of so many SALES SPINS and Prefabricated LIES from Pharmaceutical Companies LURING YOU IN to their Wretched TOXIC WARES.

Please Friends, learn how to look after your Nutritional Needs with Good Healthy Real Foods and Healthy Snacks; Avoiding Ultra-Processed Foods

Be Warned Folks, because Big Pharma virtually Own the Media - they have SO MUCH Influence Over Them!…

Learn how to cultivate happiness through mindful choices and healthy habits.

Robert Puff Ph.D. - Psychology Today

Have you ever looked at someone who seems to radiate joy and wondered, "Are they just lucky?" It's easy to assume that people who seem to have had easier lives—stable families, good education, successful careers—are simply fortunate when it comes to happiness. Conversely, we might believe those who have faced significant challenges are destined to struggle to find joy.

But is happiness just a matter of luck? After a lifetime of exploring this question, I've come to a different conclusion.

Learning from Life's Challenges

Throughout my life, I've sought out individuals who seem genuinely happy, regardless of their external circumstances. These aren't necessarily the wealthiest, most attractive, or most accomplished individuals. They are simply people who seem to be thriving, despite whatever life throws their way. And when I ask them about the turning point in their lives, the moment that led to their current state of well-being, the answer is always the same: challenges.…

Key Facts:

  • High-potency cannabis affects genes linked to energy and immune response.
  • Frequent use leaves distinct DNA marks, potentially linked to psychosis risk.
  • Findings could enable future DNA tests for psychosis susceptibility in cannabis users.

Source: King’s College London

Published in Molecular Psychiatry, this is the first study to suggest that the use of high potency cannabis leaves a distinct mark on DNA, providing valuable insights into the biological impact of cannabis use.

Over the last 2 Years, I have been finding Articles on Benefits of 20 Minute Walks, 10 Minute Walks and 15 Minute Walks as well as 30, 45 and 60 Minute Walks. Now I've found a Flexible Articles that addresses Benefits for different lengths of time - for 10-15 Minutes, for 30 Minutes, for 45-60 Minutes and Over 60. And here is that Article, to see what may suit you:

Short Walks Or Long Walks? Best Walking Duration For Maximum Benefits

There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to walking. Whether you’re opting for short walks to clear your mind or committing to long walks for weight loss and mental well-being. So, whether you choose to walk for 10 minutes or 90 minutes, the most important thing is that you’re moving. Walking, in any form, can be a valuable part of a healthy lifestyle.

One of the easiest exercises to do is walking.…

As a Christian, I apologise for all the Hypocrisy and shameless Monetization the Gospel has been subjected to. Televangelists are a SHAM. Not the Real Thing.
This is not what Jesus Came for! Reminds me of how Shameless Big Pharma started off with all their Charlatans and the Sickness Industry they are Today. I pray that People will get to experience the True Essence of who Jesus Really is. Not all that Fame and Falsity those Showmanists project - So Bad.

Jesus has never taken advantage of me. Nowhere in the Bible does it tell you to
Pay for your Blessings. That's like a Lucky Dip with a Booby Prize. They Badger you with Enticements, presenting God like some Slot-Machine… radically different to how I found Jesus - that was not dependent on the Church Scene. Skip all that Modern Churchianity Friends.…

Someone said: This is the American Dream mixed with (Crafty) Religion.
EXACTLY, I cannot Agree More!

This is AGAINST the Teachings of Christianity - Know the Difference. Fortunately, I've Never had Anything to do with these Jerks or anyone like them. Many Christians can relate with that.

I would like to know 2 things: How can the American Government allow those
Mega-Churches to stay Tax-Exempt? There's absolutely NO LIMIT to those "Preachers" Greed: Devils Religion! AND How can their Law System permit someone like Kenneth Copeland who is Extremely Unstable to Keep a Driver's Licence much less a Pilot's Licence? That's Reprehensible!!! You can be Sure of this Friends, that is Not TRUE Christianity!!!

In recent years, I have often made this statement: It's astonishing, the amount of Evils that Come from America. How can Anyone call it a Christian Country? In fact, on top of all the Worldly Evils that Come from the USA, their Greedy Monger Preacher's Exploitations are even More Staggering.…