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The Arrogance Of Medicos – Slaves To Big Pharma – Be Not So Quick To Trust!

They’re trained to use Legal Medical DRUGS even though Many Cause Medical Induced Disorders – not just Side Effects –  and some are Lethal (they Can cause deaths, yet Big Pharma keep making them and Medicos keep prescribing them) so be Very Careful what’s in that little Box you get from your Local Chemist, America refers to more appropriately as DRUG STORES and Australia should do likewise, to remind us of the Seriousness of taking Big Pharma’s nasty little Man-Made Creations

Yes, Be Not So Quick To Trust – many a Person who Lost their Lives are not here to tell you that, but devastated Loved Ones are. Maybe we should hear more from them over the Media instead of so many SALES SPINS and Prefabricated LIES from Pharmaceutical Companies LURING YOU IN to their Wretched TOXIC WARES.

Please Friends, learn how to look after your Nutritional Needs with Good Healthy Real Foods and Healthy Snacks; Avoiding Ultra-Processed Foods

Be Warned Folks, because Big Pharma virtually Own the Media - they have SO MUCH Influence Over Them!

And why wouldn’t they? Because they are so Filthy Lucrative, they could well afford to pay for 3-4 Advertisements per Hour on Every TV Station 365 days a Year – NO WORRIES – without breaking their Budget. They have None, it’s called FILFY LUCRE because they PROFIT from Your Physical and Mental Ailments and Create Even More. They think nothing of it.

Just like Cast Iron has NO Conscience, even so Big Pharma has None. They don’t know the meaning of the word because they deliberately Choose Not To – it’s just “Business as Usual”………..BIG BUSINESS………

I should not have to tell you that after the Pandemic we just went through recently.

“Big Pharma to the Rescue”……..REALLY!? True Facts are that So Many People got Seriously ILL after taking those Vaccines, many “dropped and Died” But that wasn’t Big Pharma’s Fault was it? Of-Course it Was! And So Many, Many Folks caught the Corona Virus ANYWAY and Many experienced it Worse than those who were Not Vaccinated. In fact I have a Family Member and Friend who experienced the Virus far worse than I did when the three of us picked it up at the same time. Being a Natural Health Researcher more fully Informed, I did not take the Vax and because my Immune System is Strong, I wasn’t affected much – pretty minimum but they caught it again a few months later.

I’m saying FACTS not FICTION. So many MD/GPs are trained to tell you Fiction like “This will make you well” when they KNOW a LOT of their Stuff can make you Worse. I’m being serious Folks, because in times gone by, I’ve had Two Medically Induced Disorders from one of those 5 Minute Consults your Local MD/GP gives you. So I know what I’m talking about. Very Nasty I might add. One was OCD 40+ Years ago and the other was Hyperacusis (Amplified Hearing descriptively speaking) ironically for an Ear Infection. when I was given an Antibiotic called RULIDE being told by the MD/GP it was the “Safest Antibiotic on the Market”………. HARDLY, my Mother had the misfortune of being given that same Antibiotic at a Later date for something, and her System was not the same again for months afterwards……in fact, it took a few years for her body to recover from a few annoying symptoms, sometimes distressing.

The GOOD NEWS is that we can take a Natural Herb/Herbs for something and if it doesn’t agree with our Individual Body Chemistry, we only need to stop taking it and things are back to Normal – no harm done.

Us Researchers and Professional Natural Health Practitioners cannot tell you the Same for Antibiotics, Anti-Depressants and All Manner of Medical Drugs Medicos are so quick to “Prescribe for you”………….

5 Minutes, and you’re out the door with “Who knows what?” when the Chemist dispenses that Script for you. Could be OK, could be BAD and sad to say, that is the Risk so many People are taking Everyday at Local Medical Practices. Sorry Folks, I’m trying to Alert you of the potential Risks in so quickly paying those Visits to your Local MD/GP and being a little too Trusting. It made a Major difference for me – Not a good one – as Many Others can testify in their experience.

And this is alarming Folks

What do the Medical Practitioners do after they’ve lost someone’s life OR made someone Very ILL with one or more of those Meds? They go on prescribing them because Big Pharma Tells them to. That’s the Sad Reality of it. “Witch’s Potions” that’s what I call a lot of those Medical Drugs.

For me and many others, it was like “a Lucky Dip with a Booby Prize”

Like the adage says: Buyer Beware! Not so Trusting please?

Usually, I’m not a fan of PubMed, a Medical Reference Website a lot of Researchers go to but it is not one of my favorites – so much Medical Jargon on it, I’m not trained in but some months ago, I came across a very honest Statement by a medical person that surfaced in my Files on my PC this evening which prompted this Article. It reads:

Our Prescription Drugs Kill Us In Large Numbers
(By Peter C Gotzsche)

Our prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer in the United States and Europe. Around half of those who die have taken their drugs correctly; the other half die because of errors, such as too high a dose or use of a drug despite contraindications. Our drug agencies are not particularly helpful, as they rely on fake fixes, which are a long list of warnings, precautions, and contraindications for each drug, although they know that no doctor can possibly master all of these. Major reasons for the many drug deaths are impotent drug regulation, widespread crime that includes corruption of the scientific evidence about drugs and bribery of doctors, and lies in drug marketing, which is as harmful as tobacco marketing and, therefore, should be banned. We should take far fewer drugs, and patients should carefully study the package inserts of the drugs their doctors prescribe for them and independent information sources about drugs such as Cochrane reviews, which will make it easier for them to say "no thanks".  Source HERE

Truly, I can’t help but respect the honesty of this Medico and would like to express my appreciation for alerting his Colleagues with what you just read. Practitioners like this often leave their profession and become Whistle Blowers like some Ex-Pharmaceutical Company Workers, or take on Training in Natural Health so they can prescribe SAFE REMEDIES for People.

A Short Story of a Visit I had to a Medical Practitioner

Some years ago, I went to see a MD/GP who is good at diagnosis, for a digestive complaint of some kind. Couldn’t put my figure on it and he was nearby handy. He coaches Young MD/GPs in that Practice.

He told me what he thought it was and immediately offered to write a Script. I politely declined and said I just came for a Diagnosis and won’t be needing it. He said “Are you Sure? You will be needing This” I replied “Yes, I’m sure. I will be taking ________ thanks”

He is quite a “warm natured” person and to my surprise, out of his mouth came these words in a tone of Arrogance “That Won’t Work. You’ll need to be taking this” to which I replied “Yes it will work thanks. It is one of our Best Remedies”………..”No it won’t, that has Not been Proven” he said in a Smug tone of voice, kind of Authoritive, if you read me? He went to go on and insisted that Herbal Remedies don’t work and give me some more Medical blurb but my expression stopped him in his tracks.

In person, I am not a confrontational person – not given to confronting people at all – though I AM given to Confronting things on my Websites for People’s Benefit. I’m generally given to Gracious Speech. But he definitely barked up the wrong tree when he attempted to Attack my Profession – Natural Health and all the GOOD it stands for. In fact, often having to Restore Balance in People’s Health (body) after Medico’s have messed with them.

He didn’t know I was familiar with all that kind of thing Etc. He got more than he bargained for when I responded to that. Even though I choose to be Gracious every time with a person, I said in my thoughts

“I cannot let him get away with this. Jesus, give me the right words to say to him” and out of my mouth immediately came these words “and can you Prove to me your Medications don’t Kill?” And he shut up so quickly, there was complete silence – you could have heard a pin drop, as a moment of honesty came over him (unspoken) and he regained his warm composure, looking a little uncomfortable. Because he knows full well that certain “Medications” he prescribes do kill some “Patients” who become “Statistics” and he has not been Smart-Mouthed with me since:)

Friends, the thing is, his Attitude is Not Uncommon. Medicos who practice so much Quackery often accuse Natural Health Practitioners of being “Quacks”…….you can often come across these Jeers by Medicos on the Internet if not personally when you ask them if it would be alright to take something Natural you have in mind.

Sometimes it's better not to ask them, they're so prejudice, it can be unpleasant. Some months ago I asked an elderly neighbour if he would like me to research Parkinson's for him because he is so affected by it, I was very concerned about his comfort and quality of life. I told him that every so often, I come across Natural Solutions in Research for his condition, I forget what they were specifically but I can find out if he would like me to do that for him. He said Yes he would be interested. So I did, and was happy to comeback to him with a book in my hand I purchased for him from Amazon. He was so encouraged by the contents, he showed it to his Specialist and was told "No, I wouldn't do that" and he shouldn't try it. That made him unsure of things because people trust their Specialist and he thanked me for Caring.

Some time later, he was told to hand his Driver's Licence in and stop driving. He also lives in a very nice house with a deeply sloped driveway facing on a Reserve, he and his Mrs really like living in. They have a lot of birds there they simply adore. But it's alright if he loses the use of his car and it's alright if they have to leave their house at sometime, to keep the Specialist happy because she knows best, right? It's a known fact that Medicos don't like to lose their Customers (pun intended) I was so deeply sorry they decided to go with her advice.

The book their Specialist considered to be amateur with one quick glance was written by a lady with a Phd who shares her wonderful personal Testimony of Recovery AND Lots of Information from a Neurologist who specialised specifically in Parkinson's, not different conditions generally. His work was Dedicated to people with Parkinson's after pioneering a Solution for people affected by it with great Success. But my neighbour's Specialist with much less experience knows better, right? Wrong! She knows what she Wants better. I think it's disgusting!!!

Plus Truth of the matter is, Big Pharma they are answerable to has “Brainwashed” them into thinking “EVERYTHING has to be Proven by Science” which is none other than Big Pharma themselves of-course who incidentally have NO INTEREST in Anything Natural, except for when they want to COPY Something that WORKS WELL because they can’t Patent anything that’s Natural – it’s forbidden by Law.

It's no news to these Medicos that Natural Health Practitioners are really good at helping people Get Well AND show more interest in them. They do not have these things to Offer, so they feel quite threatened by them and become reactive with their blurb and shut you up with the words “No, I wouldn’t do that”

Often they will tell you something SAFE is dangerous, which is so Mean and Selfish but they’re under Orders from Big Pharma to tell you that kind of thing. So it’s pretty pointless asking them anything that isn’t in their field of Work that is Antibiotics, Anti-Depressants and More Drugs!

Considering things I have made you aware of in this Article, One’s Conscience would have to be Offended daily to be a Medical Practitioner – knowing so much of what they Prescribe daily for People is Risky or plain Dangerous. For this reason, the Medical Profession is better described by Natural Health Professionals and Researchers as a SICKNESS INDUSTRY.

I am not telling you not to go to a MD/GP but saying
DO Be Careful OR you are best keeping your distance.

Giving Credit Where Due I Will Say This

An Urgent Visit to a Hospital’s Emergency Department (ER) has actually Saved my Life on two occasions and also a Blood Transfusion decades ago, for which I am grateful, so Medical Intervention does have it’s place sometimes. I’ve not the greatest of faith in their 5 Minute “Appointment and Prescriptions” side of things because I’ve been a very sad recipient of such, as have quite a number of people I’ve met personally and read Reports of in my work as a Researcher. So I have great faith in their Emergency Procedures shall we say? And none in the other side of things. They have been known to perform some magnificent things in Surgery like Straitening Eyes and Astonishing Brain Surgeries for which we should be impressed and grateful.

Shall I say, we need to be better Informed and Wise in our Decision Making –
when to go Medical and when to go Natural.

As far as Appointments for Scripts is Concerned

Oh for some More HONESTY in that Profession like Peter C Gotzsche (above) Preferably a Big Exodus so People would Seek SAFER Practitioners who are also trained to take their Health to a New Level as well.

That would be good!

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