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Ultra-Processed Foods: The Heat Is On – Give Them Pressure – Give Them Curry – Don’t Stop!

Recently in the last 2 Months, there has been a surge of Articles on Google News on my Mobile concerning ULTRA-PROSESSED FOODS, the way they're Made and the Damage they make to OUR HEALTH. It's Outrageous, the way they get away with that. So much for "Crime Stoppers" you could say.

So I've decided to write about this, having been very Aware and Concerned how many People fill their shopping carts with so much of that Stuff to Feed their Families with. As a Researcher, knowing the full implications of ingesting these Fake and Synthetic Foods on a Regular Basis is detrimental at some time along the way - our Body protests about the way we are treating it - it sometimes does this through disturbing or distressing symptoms and Many People get VERY ILL.

All this is Imposed on the Innocent Public in the form of Tasty, Addictive, Convenient Products. People buy into these Marketing Ploys and before they know it, they're buying More and More of these Items and they become the NORM in their house. The Manufacturers are without doubt delighted about all the Extra Sales AND I intend to see they get a LOT LESS. So apart from Helping You Friends, that is my intention. I mean every Word of this!

Time for Recompense Folks, not so much Waste of Pence - All the Money we have Spent on those Ultra-Processed, FAKE, Devitalised So-Called Foods that Collectively Compromise Our Health, so Destructively.

They have absolutely No Conscience - NO SHAME - to Damage the Health of Men and Women and Kids in such a way. Devastating for some and we can't SUE them for that because these "Foods" are so Widespread.

Time for Recompense

Let's get into ACTION and Recompense them for their Evil Deeds. Let's see that their Sales Suffer Damage they have done to Our Health. Deliberately I might add - they know full well, all the Toxic Stuff that goes into those products, and the Sales of that Junk goes on, unstoppable - increasingly More and More is pushed onto an Unsuspecting Public who are Ignorant and dumb enough to keep buying it. Stacks of Coke and Cooldrinks that even many Americans have got Smart to dodge and don't buy anymore.

As for the all-manner-of other Rubbish we have inherited from our American Friends that fills our Shelves and has led to us even changing our Standards in "Food Manufacture".......... we should now turn around and put a BIG DENT in these Manufacturer's Profits.

Yes, as an Informed People, we can Collectively Empty those Shelves because our Weak Wishy-Washy Government (be it Labor or Liberal) have not done a thing through the Health Department to Change that. That's absolutely Reprehensible. They are supposed to be there to PROTECT Public Health, not jeopardise it by their SHEER APATHY to do anything at all about it.

Yes, due to their Ignorance on Such Things with their Full-Time Occupation and Distraction with Superfluous Matters of Less Importance, they have allowed People's Health to deteriorate in Epidemic Proportions - filling Medical Waiting Rooms day after day with ALL MANNER of Health Conditions. Many of which were not even heard of before  those Ultra-Processed FAKE FAKE Foods were made available in such abundance, lining the Shelves day after day 365 days a year. To the point there are very Few Foods on the Shelves are Good for Us - REAL FOODS - and generally speaking, You need to be a FUSSY (Discerning) Buyer to Spot Those.

Definitely, you a WISE if you have found ways to do that or even Care to do that in this Day and Age. Modern Living Standards have done us No Favors. It has changed our Priorities in such a way that we have become Less Focused on things that matter most!

Apart from improvements in Manufacture and Technology making lots of General Products Cheaper to buy - than Food in comparison. And mind you, the Unwise Use of Tech Devices and Plastic Items can be detrimental to Our Health in addition to the "Foods" we're speaking about in this Article.

Happy to let Wise Shopping Members of the Public and Health Advocates know:

Yes on my Mobile in recent times, Google News has had some very interesting News Items, I find. And to my Surprise, in a very short time (several weeks) they've had about 7-8 Articles on Ultra-Processed Foods which is truly remarkable because they have been pretty rare through the years - Cautioning people about them, the ways they harm our health, how they Manufacture some of them.

As the saying goes, it would "curl your hair" if you could see how they Manufacture some of those Fake Foods. As a Researcher, it turns my stomach having to watch some of the Videos on YouTube, produced by dedicated professionals to increase Public Awareness about these Serious Matters. It's really staggering, how sickening some people's Favorite Snacks are in the manufacturing process.

Because a lot of those Packet Foods and Snacks Excite your Taste Buds and are really Addictive - making people crave more and more - they often need to SEE for themselves HOW they are made to really put them OFF of Buying them, since Reading about it isn't enough for them, to Sink In.

Truly Folks, it's Come to this because like the situation of Homelessness in Australia, it's gone much too far - unpoliced by Regulators - therefore WE the Public, the COMSUMERS have to TAKE ACTION if we are to SEE BETTER PRODUCTS on the Shelves and BETTER HEALTH for Our Families. Because let's face it, our Government shirks their Responsibilities' and will DO NOTHING about it. We know that.

Shameful, it's really Disgraceful. So let's Teach them how it's done. BOYCOT those Products and PUSH Them Off the Shelves, like our Government should have done years ago!

We need to now Show those Manufacturers
NO MERCY - like they have Shown Us. Such Devil's they are. Yes Really, Enough is Enough, so Let's do this Folk. Fight like the Syrians, fight for their Victory, fight for your Families. It's NOW or Never - I cannot believe We the Public have
let that go so far.

You must Realise This - ALL Of You:
Our Buying Choices (the Products we take off the Shelves) Give them that Power to Dominate Us with such Outrageous Practices that Wreck Our Health AND Our Metabolism, not just the Government's Negligence of Public Health and Safety.

Get the Message?

So "Let it RIP" Folks, our Creator knows they deserve that. Of their Crimes, there's been No Limit. So let's be strict with what we buy, and causes damages to their Sales Quota they will not forget!

Each of You - Every Man and Woman and Young Person - Make Your MARK when Shopping. Your Seal of Disapproval.

It's in Our Buying Power Folk. ALL Of US Collectively. LEAVE Those Products On The Shelves so THEY have No Choice. They will Have To Make BETTER PRODUCTS instead of Sabotaging OUR HEALTH!

And while I'm at it Folks, do You Realise This?
Ultra-Processed FAKE Devitalised Food and Snacks is where a Lot of Mental Health Issues Come from. Not just Stress etc. Things like Depression; Anxiety; Panic Attacks; a Foggy Brain and Confusion and why we don't handle Stress Well.

Yes I'm Serious. So let's Take Our Power Back. It's called Buying Power...... and don't be SAPS for Punishment. Our Poor Choices when Shopping has led so many Health Issues we have and WHY we don't experience BETTER HEALTH.

LET'S GO, People of Australia, Tell those Manufacturers where to go to........
"Make Better Products OR Go Out of Business!

Honestly Friends, I come across so many Customers in Shopping Centres who are really FED UP with the amount of Foods they Add TOXIC Soy and Canola to against our wishes and there are So Few Foods that don't have those Nasty Chemical Numbers to and the Names we can't pronounced. It's kinda like they say "We'll just put some Arsenic in it, we're sure it will not HARM YOU"...........not much it won't!

Remember this slogan Folks "Dodgy Manufacturers make Dodgy Products" and Stay Clear of them. That means DON'T BUY not "Buy all the More" like people have been doing. This has kept all the Medical Waiting Rooms for those 5 Minute appointments Very Busy. And it makes them Very Happy too because their BUSINESS IS THRIVING. 70 Bucks for each "Patient Consult" plus Pharmaceutical Industry PERKS for Every One of those SCRIPTS they give you, then Rush you out their Office for the Next in line, is not bad business for them is it? So the Medical Profession, being the SICKNESS INDUSTRY it is, you are "Lining the Pockets" of TWO CULPRITS by you purchasing Habits - the Chemical Food Industry and Big Pharma's Sickness Industry. What offends you to hear now, you may Thank me for Later when You may Enjoy Better Health if you take these things Seriously enough to ACT ON THEM.

When it comes to Food Industries, you should Employ this Practice:
Give NO MERCY to those who Show You NO MERCY. Don't buy their Dodgy Products. Keep them OUT of your shopping trolleys and LEAVE them on the Shelves. That shows them the CONTEMPT that's DUE instead of complaining yet buying more. Imagine that? So Many of you Do That and this is WHY they're still in Business. That's EXACTLY what you do by Complaining yet Tolerating those Dodgy Products with the NASTYS in them.

Lets buy Healthy Food, let's buy REAL FOODS even if it is a little challenging and make me PROUD of YOU for having written this Article. We can Start a Revolution TOGETHER. Would you Care to Leave a Comment? Lets Leave our Message on Supermarket Shelves "NO MORE JUNK FOOD" it's easy, you won't need any placards and textures, just Leave the products there. NUMBERS SPEAK. Keep doing this to Place PRESSURE on those Manufacturers: Give us Better Products or We Won't Buy.

Compromised Food Choices Equals Compromised Health

Janet Protects You - Janet Defends You -
Janet Speaks Out For You - They Won't Tell You - I Will!

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