By Janet Vargas - Independent Natural Health Researcher 30+ Yrs
I will say this straight off the bat for You: Manufacturer Culprits Lobbied Years ago to have the Medical and Government Education on Nutrition Changed for the sake of their GREED - Mega Profits and Pure Greed!
As most of us know, "Money Rules in this World" let this not reach YOUR HOME.
Vegetable Oils AND Canola Oil are extremely Unhealthy for us.
They both go through a Very Toxic kind of Manufacture.
These Manufacturers are Criminals!!!
And by the way: Sunflower is NOT Vegetables! Neither is Safflower, Soy Oil; Corn Oil; Rice Bran OR Grape Seeds. They call them that to make them sound "Healthy".......... it's a Psychological Marketing PLOY that carries No Truth. None whatsoever!!!
Some of you would like to know that 2-3 Years ago, I found an Article from a truly Wise Dietitian who made a Statement about her Profession openly for the Public to read. She said "Dietitians keep Changing their minds about different Foods, giving conflicting advice to People on what's good and what's bad for you and this is causing much Confusion for a lot of People" ............. It's really good, that a Person in that field of Work has come forward about her profession. Natural Health Advocates have been aware of these things for some years. So Well said!
My Firm Advice To You and Those You Love
Do Not at Anytime take Nutritional Advice from Manufacturers. Nutrition is Not their Field of Work OR their Interest - MONEY IS - You should derive ALL Your Nutritional Advice OUTSIDE of Manufacturers Ads, Promotions and/or Product Labels because of Their Invested Interest. Even the so-called Nutritionist they sometimes have "Working for them" has a strong bent/bios on False Misleading Information and Dodgy Reports (including Lab Tests) Results are so often Falsified to back outrageous Claims.
I can tell you this: Seriously, you don't know the Half of these Scandalous Pursuits if you have not been Researching for Years! It's absolutely disgusting, outrageous, what they get away with by Law because of the huge amount of Revenue the Government brings in from these Food Giants. It really is!!!
RAISE THE STANDARD! Go for Healthy Fats and Oils like Extra Virgin Olive Oil; Avocado Oil; Macadamia Oil; Coconut Oil and Ghee. Yes, Coconut Oil and Ghee are Good Healthy Fats. The Cheap Nasty Oil Manufacturers demonised them to their Gain and they Lobbied to have "Nutritional" Education Changed. Be Informed, Ignorance is Not Bliss!
They are Happy for You to do That.
No Ultra-Heat Processed Seed Oils, Bleached and Coloured with Toxic Chemicals are good to use. They are Not Healthy. AND Canola Oil goes through Exactly the Same Process. Hence, True Health Advocates refer to them as "Cheap Nasty Oils" (Cheap for your Pocket, Nasty on your Health) So you should beware of who you are listening to (your Source of Information and where it comes from) and Take Care what You are giving Your Family to Ingest. Don't go for Counterfeits.
There are also Chemicals used to Separate the small amount of Oil from those Seeds. Friends, that isn't Natural - No wonder so many People are getting Sick!?
As a Researcher, I found Information on the Manufacture of these Veggie Oils AND Canola Oil many years ago. It said a lot about How they are made. They said how when they subject the Seeds at such High Temperatures, the Oil turns Black; then they Bleach it and then they Colour it (yes you heard right)
Well, 3 Years ago, I was waiting for an appointment alongside a man in his 60s. We were conversing about our Grandmothers and what their Lifestyle was like in their day. I commented how they loved their "Good Old Fashioned Butter in the Paper Wrappers" and all a sudden he replied "Margarine, don't talk to me about Margarine!" He remembered how that came in afterwards, saying in his young working days, he worked for a Company called Vidale. His work was to drive a Truck full of Chemicals to the Manufacturing Plant when they made huge Vats of Veggie Oil. He had to transport big Containers of Bleach, Colour and Chemicals there into the area where the big Vats were. He continued to say, on several occasions, he personally witnessed the Oil in the Vats go Black and they Bleached it; then they poured 220lbs of Orange Colour into it to make it Yellow.
Yet all this has been kept from public knowledge!
Then when he thought I might think what he was taking about was awfully strange and I gave him a quick response and said "That's OK, I'm a Researcher, I believe You. Actually you have confirmed pretty much word per word, what I know to be True. I often tell people this" and I said "So the Oil turns Black, doesn't it, hey?" he quickly pointed to the newly laid carpet under our feet as we were sitting there and said "Yes it's this Colour, exactly the Same!" The carpet had a rich Charcoal Colour.
And he exclaimed, what he witnessed was enough to Scare him off of using Veggie Oils and Margarine for the Rest of his life! He was also happy to say he keeps our Grandmother's Tradition of serving Good Ole Fashioned Butter on a small dish from the "Paper Wrapper" So believe it or not, this is all perfectly True what I had been telling People and still do because I sat next to an Eye Witness who saw this take place several times and was horrified by it. So are a number of people in the Supermarket Isles I have repeated this to when holding a Plastic Bottle of that in their hands. Quickly it goes back on the shelf while they reach for a Healthy Oil.......thanking me as they do so!
Truth Is that Veggie Oils AND Canola are a Leading Cause of Mental Blanks (in old people and young people) and Alzheimer's and Cancer: Researchers suspect them to be a Common Cause of Auto-Immune Disorders. They are TOXIC to Your Nervous System and Brain Cells. Plus they do NOT keep Weight Down as claimed. Because they are so Toxic, and it is well known to True Health Advocates that Toxins are stored in Fat Cells.
So these Toxic Oils actually Keep the Weight On, and have actually been found to be responsible for Weight Gain in many People. So keep to the Real Facts and AVOID them like the Plague because they are also Bad for Your Immune System and due to Unbalanced Excessive Omega 6 are declared by some True Professionals (with better schooling) as a Driver of Corony Heart Conditions in many People.
You Should Know These Things - It Is Your God Given Right To Know - And I Am Here To Tell You. I Will Never Sell My Name to Give Misleading Advice. You can be SURE of that. Money does Not Reign in My House OR Decision Making.
How Dare They Make the Masses Sick with Their GREED. In my Professional Opinion, these Manufacturers are Not Human, they are Demons, to deliberately Inflict Damages on so many People's Health - the Elderly and Children included - by the way They have Demonised GOOD HEALTHY Food Staples our Grand Parents and Great Greats TRUSTED IN for Generations. And They Were HEALTHY. So No-More of these Modern Day Nutrition Standards and Dietitian Advice Please? That's Enough. End it there.
It's really quite Laughable if it wasn't so Serious - Some of the "Nutrition Advice" they give You.
I met someone a few months ago who reported to me she just completed her Studies to "Be a Nutritionist" a year ago, and she had to UNLEARN some things they taught her, she knows are Wrong, due to her Avid Interest in Natural Health and she expressed an Interest in my Articles and other Health Articles on this Website. She was Excited to read them.
Just now, I recall a Webpage I cited once where this person said her Mum grew her up on a Healthy Diet. Everything she bought for Meals was Healthy, except for Margarine and Veggie Oil, having been told they were more Healthy. She went on to say that she always had Health Issues and when she was better informed about Healthy Fats and Oils at a later date and Changed her Diet, the Health Issues went away on their own accord. So there's a Good Testimony.
What’s the conclusion to all this information?
These so-called “Healthy Oils” (Canola included) fill Medical Waiting Rooms 365 days a Year. Let’s Cancel the LIE (false claims) of these Wretched Culprits to Our Health. At-least for Our Meals in Our House. Do not give them another Dollar or Cent! Delete the absolute garbage You have been told to buy and empty them out of Your Pantry into the Bin. And do let all your family members and Friends know about the Truths you have learned today. Direct them here if they have any doubts and be Activists together in Your Homes. Boycott them and Reduce their Sales. Show them the Contempt that is Due.
Good for You, let’s Do That. Put Healthy Fats and Oils in their place and experience Benefits to Your Health. Let’s Go!!!
Make Your Stand in the Comments section for this Article and make me Proud of You.
Anyone for Veggie Oils or Margarine?
"Soft on your Bread - Hard on your Health"
Another Post I have for you to read if you are interested to know more.
“Nutrition Experts” OR Puppets ON Strings? Who Are YOU Trusting In?
Have a Good Day Folks, and Better Health to You and Your Family!
Yes, we are appalled! We will become Activists with you Janet. We will not only let our family and friends know about this, we will direct our neighbours to your website and anyone we see buying those dodgy products. We're going shopping shortly to replace the canola and margarine with some olive oil our cousin uses and butter. You're right, our great grandparents must have known best because they didn't have half the things wrong with their health we do these days. We must correct the mistake we brought our kids up with - we will buy extra products for them also when we get to the store. Thank you so much for informing us about those devilish industries, it turns out they are as bad as the Aspartame manufacturers from what we read here. You're right, how criminal. This is a Good website, we're coming back to read more. We thank God for honest advice, it's not very plentiful these days. Cheers to Janet! Everyone, read this information.