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Believe It Or Not, Over The Last Few Months In My Area, I Have Seen Improvements In The Way People Are Relating, When Shopping Etc Apart From Some (there are always the few of-course). People Are Showing Empathy And Courtesy In Public Places - Some Are Interested To Exchange A Few Words And Sometimes A Little Laughter Or Smile. Yes, In Some Places At This Time, We Are Actually Experiencing A Sense Of Connectedness Amidst Restrictions Which Are Imposed For The Safety And Benefit Of ALL.

I have been doing some research recently on managing through this time, for my Readers and Visitors.

Some have enjoyed my page "WAYS TO BRIGHTEN THE COMING MONTHS" in a Hope/Comfort In 2020 menu on my Health and Inspirations website HERE Do Enjoy! Now for the following discoveries I made recently (with authors names) it is their work, not mine.…

By Janet Vargas - Owner of this Website

Humanity has become a restless tide with unseen influences affecting our values, choices and peace of mind, not to mention the way we relate as families, friends and citizens in daily life. Even the way we work has taken on phenomenal changes for countless employees, office workers and tradesmen and business owners.

We need to stand back from it all sometimes and say “hey, wait a minute”............ we need to find composure aside from the rush and bustle of things that place claims, so to speak, on our time and energies. We need to determine our values to make our lives meaningful and balanced - finding a happier and healthier existence for doing so, in this stressful generation. 

We all have values, big or small, constructive or destructive, beneficial or otherwise, yet many of us have not taken much time to think of our values, to actually determine a set of values.…