By Janet Vargas - Independent Natural Health Researcher 30+ Years
MORE to Watch Out for Folks! Some of these Polymers have been around for years. They have been used in Skin Care and Cosmetics and NOW there are New Derivatives of those Chemicals entering the Market.
The concern about these Chemicals is, they are very TOXIC and have been found to Cause Cancer.
As surely as we have learned about Manufacturer’s serious Lack of Ethics, instead of the Industry cutting out the use of these Chemicals, they USE Them all the More. And as we are so accustomed to, our Governments are more concerned with Raising High Revenue from the Massive Profits/Taxes of this highly Lucrative Industry than they are about our Health and Welfare.
There’s so much we hear about “in the name of Truth” these days, and there is what Natural Health Researchers who really Care about your Health call an
“Information War” going on.…