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Health Care Professionals – Commercialism and Modern Day Living in Relation to HEALTH

The World's System Profits when People are Unwell and Medical often makes us Sick. Most times, Natural Health Practitioners are genuinely Sincere and Help you to Build Up your Health. However Health Manufacturers are often into charging horrendous amounts for their Products, creating confusion in the minds of many.

There are Ways of working around that to gain Better Health when you know what to look for. And how to Identify and Dismiss false and Misleading Advice and Guidelines Governments Accept and Promote through Education Systems due to Greedy Cheapskate Manufacturers Lobbying to change Food Laws to Support their Arguments decades ago now when most people weren't aware that those Changes took place and the Real Reason they did.

This In fact has been the Underlying reason why So Many People's Health has been badly affected, and the Over Processed "Foods" in recent years have drastically affected the Health of Many including Children.

It's a shocking state of affairs, I'm sure you agree when many of you reading this
realise for the first time that some of that goes on.

Things should not be that way.

Through Years of Independent Natural Health Research, I like to better Empower You with Honest Information whereby you can make Wise Decisions that will Benefit your Health and that will Change things around for many of you - without invested interests. Hopefully things will Improve for Most of you - atleast in some way because some Medical Conditions are quite crippling I realise, having experienced two Medically Induced Health Conditions years ago at different times - very distressing. I Encourage everyone to see Natural Health Professionals over Medical Practitioners any day, if that is possible for you financially - it is a much Safer way to go.

It is Enough that Commercial Industries are into Mega-Profits
for Products and Services.

I want to show you ways you can address Your Health - and Family's - how to Improve and Maintain it, so you are not at the Mercy of Money Mongers or Charlatans. Especially Medical with their Chemical Meds and Antibiotics, not to mention their Mind Altering Drugs that are not always a good thing. So often we are much better off without them.

Did you know that Many Medications actually have Food Chemicals in them and also Addictive Factors built into them? Yes sadly speaking, it's True. Medicos want "Customers for Life" not so much to "Make you Well"…… most of you are aware since 2020, Big Pharma is into "Big Profits" and make no mistake about it, they run the Medical Profession that is more appropriately referred to as a Sickness Industry.

Yes that's the Truth in reality many of us have found who would have been better off without them. Hence some people even refer to them as the Medical Mafia. If you think that is exaggerated, take a look at the Statistics for Medical Drugs Related Deaths each year and tell me that isn't True? That being the case, one would have to Offend their Conscience daily to be in that line of Work. Yes Really, Statistics don't Lie but Medicos often do when they prescribe Risky Meds for you, saying "they will Make you Well" ………… with some of those, death is even a "Side Effect" believe it or not? But nothing is a "Side Effect" when it is Life Threatening is it?
That's actually Criminal.

I believe in "Calling a Spade a Spade"....... You don't get any Fake Information
or Half Truths (mixed with lies) on My Websites!

Have you ever noticed that apart from Statins for "Cholesterol" which happens to be Big Pharma's Biggest Cash Cow, the Medicos are not into Prevention? Whereas Natural Health Practitioners subscribe to "Prevention is Better than Cure" and will Encourage that, whereas did you know that if a Medical Practitioner recommends or Encourages Natural Remedies or Intervention, they Lose their Licence to Practice Medicine because Big Pharma who runs their profession are so Sin-Laden and Super-Greedy!

Even the "Cholesterol" Concerns they heavily Promote Statins for is actually a "Big Scare Campaign" that convinces a Lot of people to take those Statins and they end up having very distressing Side Effects and have to go off them. And those Statins they brain wash you into taking, actually place your heart in the Danger Zone rather than a Safe Zone because Your Heart Needs Protective Cholesterol. So does your Brain and Every Nerve Cell in Your Body. Hence Statins have taken more lives than they have saved - the Statistics are not very pretty. There are Articles on Cholesterol and Statins on this Website for more Info.

Yes, it's a totally different Picture than we've had through the Years, isn't it? Most of us were brought up with the idea of seeing the Local MD/GP if "anything" is wrong - a Cold, Digestive Issues, a Rash whatever in Western Countries hey? And now since the Pandemic in 2020, many of us are beginning to see the Pharmaceutical Industry for what it really is - Risky Business - we're not so Trusting these days, so much has come to light.

Did you know that Naturopaths practice a Valuable Principle that goes like this "First do No Harm?" This actually came up in my Research recently. It was So Refreshing to hear!

Hopefully you don't take me for being into Fear Mongering for making things Known that are in this Article. It really has become Necessary to Protect You and Your Families now. The more Health Advocates we can have, the better, and I have been one for 30+ Years now. Plus being an Independent Natural Researcher, I am not Paid by some Company to Lie or practice Bios with a particular Health Professional's Products or Advice.

As far as I'm concerned, there is much to much of that. More than ever before,
it's an increasingly Enterprising World we live in now hey Folks? Like Business Incentives built on Steroids - seems that Everyone is after Our Money. Medical and Health related Industries included. It gets quite Confusing for a lot of People and places lots of pressure on us in addition to an already Stressful Environment we live in these days.

Janet looks into Ways of getting you Well and Keeping you Well, with the challenges we face in this Enterprising Era. It simply isn't fair that so many Professionals and Companies want to Profit from us to the extent they do. Everyone seems to think we're their "Money Tree" or means to Mega-Wealth and that in itself is stressful.

Janet's Upbringing - Some Nostalgia

Now the Day I was brought up in were "Days of Nostalgia" not so much my Nan's Day like it used to be. I was brought up in a small Country Beach town close to Hills 90 Minutes from the City. We had Barley Fields across the road that has been Suburbia for many Years now.

We had a Milkman named Mr Yates who would come once a week from a Dairy down the hill with a big Billy Can of Fresh Creamy Real Milk and later we had the Tiptop Van come around each day with 100% Wholemeal Bread, and the 90/10 they made when Sliced Bread was introduced. The Greengrocer came in his Walk-In Van once a week with our Eggs and Fruit and Veggies when we shifted some years later to a Suburb 30 Minutes from the City.

Then a few Supermarkets were built. We had more Delis in those days and some of them served a big container cup of Milkshake. They washed up afterwards - not many throw away items in those days, to effect our Health.

I remember how some years before that we had Golden Fleece and Shell Service Stations and my parents used to pay 20 Pence (Pennies) per Gallon for Fuel - that would be about 4.5 Litres before we changed to Decimal Currency in Australia. And we used to pay about 50 Pence for Show Bags from the Royal Show.

The Grocery Show Bag - about 70 Pence used to be my Favorite because there were little Mini Packets and Cans of different products something like Cereal Packets, a Cellophane wrapper of Mini Biscuits, a new type of Kraft Cheese, a few Mini cans of Baked Beans whatever, a mini bottle of Chutney...... that now fill the shelves in Modern Supermarkets Today. So the Novelty isn't in a Grocery Show Bag anymore - they have not had them for Years someone told me. A lot of Kids used to love them.

Yes times have certainly changed. And in those days people were more content just to do an "Honest day's Work" and Earn a Living. Most people were happier then.


For these days, I think if we can experience Good Health, that is a Good Thing, because so many people have become Unwell - it's more Prevalent than Unemployment and this is upsetting because there's hardly a person or Family atleast that hasn't been effected in some way, before the Pandemic. We have those big Food Conglomerates to thank for that and Lots of Stress that comes from Modern Lifestyle; late nights up watching TV Movies and Programs which are shaping Unhealthy Mindsets, diminishing many people's Interest in Hobbies, enticing people to Overspend and Clutter our Houses,
creating Debt and financial Strain for many.

Most of us are missing out on Sleep and Family Time which are both essential for Good Health, after having those wretched TVs attempt to do our Thinking for us, determine our Lifestyle, Values and Choices, being told how to think, what to do, what to buy and when to buy. Believe it or not, TVs are creating more Stress than we give them credit for because they're attempting to Stereo-Type us by the hour rather than having the Freedom to Be Ourselves and Express Ourselves and Communicating freely with Each-Other within our Houses.

Our House should be a place where we make our own decisions unaffected by the dictates of the Outside World, a place where we can Wind Down from Work and Commitments, and do our Own Thing together or Hobby-Wise. To say things in a nutshell, our House needs to be a Home. More Restful, out of the rush of everything busy, and more exciting or Interesting than sitting down by the hour in front of a Box that pelts out Images at us non-stop for the duration of time we're watching it, that is actually bad for our Eyes and our Brain.

Many people don't even spend many times around their Meal Table from week to week. That has to Affect our Nutrition through poor choices of Meals like Precooked and Take Aways, and it affects our Relationships due to Lack of Communication. Yes Really, when you think about it Folks.

My dad retired early from TV Sales and Service decades ago after saying to me, he could not help but notice the radicle Change in Family Communications when he first sold them a TV when they didn't have one and sometime later when they were into their TV Watching Ruts with "those things" he called them. And he said he was very sorry he sold so many of them - affecting so many Families.

Mind you, some people find some Healthy Viewing - Wise Choices - to be helpful when they are Lonely, Not Well or Elderly. A loved One likes to do that who has to spend a lot of time Home for Health reasons.
If you are the Boss instead of your TV some Viewing can be a good thing.


Therefore, when considering all these things you have been reading, each one of us or Family, need to look at Ways we can reduce Stress by Simplifying our Lifestyle somewhat, from the Stressful, the Busy-Busy, the demanding, people's Impositions and being Stereo-Typed - conformed to some extent to that which we are not meant to be, as an Individual or Family.

We matter, our Family matters, we weren't meant to be dictated to and bombarded on a day to day basis. It's not Natural, it's anything but Normal, and it's an Intrusion on OUR Privacy and Space, OUR Priorities and Expression in Life.
Quite frankly, Our Domain.

I love to have Mini Conversations when I'm out Shopping etc. It's part of my Social Life and quite a few people agree with my Insights on TV Domination and Influence.

They start speaking to me and sharing their Input - saying things like they hate all those Ads, finding them intrusive, that Foxtel is just as bad and some of them are saying "they got smart" and gave TV Programs away and Enjoy doing Other Things instead and they are Happier for making that decision.
Some of them see TV as a "Mind Control Device"

Some Research I did 5 years ago revealed that too much TV Time and Excessive Use of Tech Devices act as a Drug on our Brain. They Over-Stimulate our Brain and put it in kind of a Stress State. All the more reason that can't be Healthy (the Overuse of them) They have even discovered Excessive Use of Tech Devices (be it a Computer, IPad or Mobile Cell Phone) can change the way we Tick when it comes to Communications and even Relating with Loved Ones and Friends.

Beneficial Things For Health

So some of the Solutions to having Good Health is having REAL FOOD, REAL LIFESTYLE and REAL COMMUNICATIONS. Believe it or not because in this Modern Age, we have become So removed from REAL LIVING - it's So Synthetic in so many Ways. Take for instance, how we have become So Far removed from NATURE?

And Nature is one of the Main Things that Benefits our Health. It should always be a Focal Point of our Life in some way to Confer it's Benefits on us, whether it's sitting outside in the Fresh Air and Sunshine; Enjoying having Birds come and Splash in a Birdbath or fly from one tree branch to another; having an interest in some kind of Gardening, be it a Raised Garden Bed for Veggies or Pots for Herbs or Paths and Hanging Baskets for Flowers.

They're all lovely and it's so de-stressing watching them Grow - it helps you Wind Down, it's Peaceful and at times, helps you to be lost in your own little Wonderland; going for 15-40 Minute Walks around the Streets where you live, looking at different Plants and Trees and possible activity of Birds; Visiting Local Parks, laying on the Grass and Gazing at the white fluffy Cloud Formations in the Sky; Venturing some Walking Trails and greeting an occasional person passing by; having Outings once in a while to a Beach or Forrest ; a Drive in the Country or Hills; have Picnics in a Botanical Garden; a Walk along a Shoreline or by a Riverside; Feeding the Ducks by a Lake; Visit a lovely Rose Garden or similar Garden; taking up Cycling along Walking Tracks - that can be Nice too.

Nature is Beautiful, Nature is Wholesome - make sure to have a Slice of Nature in some way or different ways each and every day.

Spending so many hours indoors working on Webpages for several Websites, I purpose to have my Breakfast in the morning Sunshine, go for a 15-20 minute walk once or twice a day and spend a little time in my Garden each day, watering my Mini Fruit Trees, Herbs and Veggies, enjoying their company - and the return of our Little Bees this Spring - I really love their little ways.

YES Make time for Nature and your Peace will be Greater.
Find this True. Try it and See!

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