By Janet Vargas: Founder of this Website
and Kate Kelly: Children's Writer
We Get So Busy And Time Flies So Quickly, Lets Look Closely At This: Good Meals Are Nourishing, Good Sleep Is Nourishing, Breathing In Nice Fresh Air Is Nourishing - Especially When Our Lungs Expand With Deep Breaths Because Most Of Us Are Shallow Breathers. And So It Is With Affection When Expressed In Practical Ways - It's Lovely, It's Wholesome, And Showing Each-Other Some Undivided Attention Is SO GOOD! That's Why I Call It Nourishing.
I found this following article some months ago and remembered it just now. It's written for children and there is still a Heart-Child in everyone of us, so I hope this helps all of us. Especially children because they count on us! Shall We Go?
I always remembered this article from time to time after reading it - so meaningful - and having found it again, do think it's timely to have this in my Blog.…