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By Janet Vargas: Founder of this Website
and Kate Kelly: Children's Writer

We Get So Busy And Time Flies So Quickly, Lets Look Closely At This: Good Meals Are Nourishing, Good Sleep Is Nourishing, Breathing In Nice Fresh Air Is Nourishing - Especially When Our Lungs Expand With Deep Breaths Because Most Of Us Are Shallow Breathers. And So It Is With Affection When Expressed In Practical Ways - It's Lovely, It's Wholesome, And Showing Each-Other Some Undivided Attention Is SO GOOD! That's Why I Call It Nourishing.

Giving Some Undivided Attention To Our Loved Ones Makes Them Feel Valued And Appreciated

I found this following article some months ago and remembered it just now. It's written for children and there is still a Heart-Child in everyone of us, so I hope this helps all of us. Especially children because they count on us! Shall We Go?

I always remembered this article from time to time after reading it - so meaningful - and having found it again, do think it's timely to have this in my Blog.…

By Janet Vargas Independent Natural Health Researcher

"Children Who Are Brought Up With Laughter Cope Well With Life"

This is taken from a Special  Feature  Page  on my natural health website concerning ALL  the  Benefits  of  Laughter  - I  call this phenomena revealed by Heart Specialists, Neuroscientists, Psychologists and Various Physicians (collectively) the CHEMISTRY OF LAUGHTER. I've gleaned the following Information from various sources of research. LAUGHTER IS GOOD for your MORALE and also your IMMUNE SYSTEM.........It Releases Endorphins in your body that are "Feel Good Chemicals"  It can be a sure weapon against stress and if practiced regularly - as part of your Lifestyle - it can help to prevent and sometimes relieve Stress Related conditions.

Laughter Clears your Emotions and helps to Sharpen your Mental Faculties. Laughter is fun and it’s good for you. It makes others feel good. It provides physical, emotional, and psychological benefits. 

It was discovered some years ago that Children having Laughter in the Home, gives them better Coping Skills for future years when they grow up.

By Janet Vargas Owner of this Website

"Let's live in Contentment - Happiness is more tangible that way, not so far from our grasp" (JV)  I will share some good insights with you. Would you care to join me?
Contentment is a good thing, it is not dependent on circumstances for our peace of mind. Can you see the beauty of that? Maybe you will after reading this post.
A family member said these words to me today: "I am going to enjoy what I have in life.....I am going to be content with the things that I have and not bother with the things I don't have. I will make the most of everything I have that is makes me contented and happy. If we want to be happy, we need to stop and think about what we have. Obviously, you have them because you liked them at some stage.I'm

By Janet Vargas Owner of this Website

I will share with you a Life Principle.
The way we look at ourselves is important and has a lot to do with how we experience life. Yes, the way we look inward has to do with our outlook on life.

We all have self-talk, an inner chatter. A dialogue as it were.

Take A Breather - Be Kind To Yourself Each Day

Make sure your dialogue is kind and give it some guidelines on a daily basis until it becomes your friend - bringing to mind positive thoughts, cheerful thoughts and loving thoughts. Yes, feed yourselves this type of thinking until it becomes natural.

Because our inner chatter is somewhat negative for most and unruly for some, with content that is disturbing and sometimes troublesome if not kept in check. Yes, you can monitor this self talk and tell it what to say, so to speak.…

By Janet Vargas Owner of this Website

We all need to strengthen Family Bonds and relationships in a day and age that has it's challenges - essentially we are as strong as our Families and Friendships are and spiritually too. Speaking for myself, relating closely with our Creator and Jesus our Saviour, wins over religious duties and "church attendance"........

Family Bonding Together Is Really Good - Do This Often

I may share a little about that in other posts but do not wish to impose agendas on you. I have found many visitors to my Poem Website HERE like to view pages like those which are totally separate (they have many views and people have commented to me afterwards offline, saying they enjoy them). One person without any religious background said they "see things so much clearer"......

I have been asked if I will write more and I did not set out to do that.…