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By Janet Vargas - Natural Health Researcher

CANOLA and 'VEGETABLE OILS' and MARGARINE GO THROUGH A TOXIC CHEMICAL PROCESS and are Not the 'Healthy Products' the Manufacturers claim they are. Please Read!

Please read the other Post I am writing parallel to this one HERE about REAL FOODS. You will want to "Side with Nature" when you read the following. I am committed to Caring about the "Health & Happiness" of Australians and think you have the right to know these things. If you are an advocate for Low-Fat Diets and Polyunsaturated Oils, hopefully you will think again after reading about the benefits of NUTRITIOUS OILS that offer much more than Cheap Veggie Oil and Canola Manufacturers claim to give you.

The claims are found to be false and misleading. They promise to “save you from cholesterol” and overweight……… the Oils high in Monounsaturates like Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Macadamia Oil and Avocado Oil are the ones that help to keep our LDL Cholesterol Level Low, not the Polyunsaturates.…

By Janet Vargas - Natural Health Researcher

It Concerns Me When I See So Many Women Buying Lots Of Low-Fat, No-Fat Groceries For The Family (Kids And All) Setting Themselves And Their Kids Up For Being Cranky Because Healthy Fats Help To Cushion Our Nervous System. Our Brain And Heart Also Require Their Share - This Is Vital INFO You Are About To Read!

Extra Virgin Olive Oil - The choice of Healthy Mediterraneans

I intend to put a few very important things STRAIGHT on this page concerning the popular Low Fat Diet and the Cholesterol Scare Campaign and show you that the concerns raised about Fat-Intake are NOT VALID. There will be some cutting-edge knowledge Revealed by True Experts and an appeal to common sense. We need to know the REAL FACTS!

Low Fat Lies!

The Low-Fat Craze that commenced in the 90's has taken so many by storm and convinced most of the Medical Profession and Governments through Misinformation that "Fat is bad for You".....…

Cholesterol is Good for your Heart. Yes that's right, your Heart needs Cholesterol. The tide is changing on the Heart Health Scene, at least for those who are better informed and I'm here to let you know.

New Insights On Heart Health And Cholesterol

You may be pleased to hear that some leading Heart Specialists and Surgeons and MDs have been practicing a totally different approach to things than the Cholesterol Scare Campaign we have been accustomed to for a few decades now. Did you know the average GP/MD is mistaken and 'Specialists' too? Yes, it has now been proven to be a flawed theory. A mistake that was made a long time ago and never corrected. Sadly, most Specialists don't want to know because there's big profit that depends on your ignorance and mine.

Heart disease is a growing concern and heart attacks are a leading cause of death of both men and women, with one person having a heart attack around every three minutes.…

Janet Vargas - Independent Natural Health Researcher

An interesting question. I remember standing at a Bakery counter about 20 years ago when I bought a quiche as did someone next to me. We asked for a little salt to be sprinkled on them and the reply was, they can't do that, they don't have any salt shaker in the place and they don't use salt. Talk about extremists, they were determining what we could or could not do, based on medical blurb I call paranoia.

At that time, "No Salt" was being promoted - many people joined in the craze and some Cafes weren't placing salt shakers on their tables anymore. Being a Researcher, I commented to the other person that I had worked out about 10 things that can go wrong with our health if we don't have salt in our diet, some weeks before and listed them by memory to her.…

Janet Vargas - Independent Natural Health Researcher

What people don't realize most times is ever since Big Pharma started to gain ground in the 1850s, their intention always is to gain more ground, and they don't care what lengths they have to go to, to gain ever-increasingly more and more ground - like Coca Cola! They are controlled by an insatiable spirit of greed. They have a strong influence on Governments in Western Countries like the USA and Australia because they bring in more revenue than almost anything else.

The FDA in America has been found to be corrupt in what they allow on the market (so many dangerous Medical Drugs affecting millions across the world daily) and what they don't allow (so many natural cures have had to go underground or completely banned). The TGA in Australia strongly favours the Medical establishment over the Natural Health Profession because of the Revenue factor.…